About me and PacketMage

Thank you for being here! And hello! Happy to have you here! My name is Lidia and…

By day, I get to be a…

  • Presales Preacher and Coach

  • Lifelong Learner

  • Volunteer at my Local Charity

By night, I struggle to balance…

  • Productivity Enthusiasm

  • My Artsy pants (I drew all of these!)

  • Chronic Overcommitting

  • The Dice Goblin (shiny!)

I'm also the founder of Packetmage LTD, a little venture born out of a passion for empowering presales teams. With a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities in the presales landscape (being a presales engineer myself and having the chance to work with many presales teams), I've tailored Packetmage to offer specialized training and content that truly resonates - no fluff, no marketing, no wasted time.

The mission is to refine product messaging, enabling presales teams to present and inspire their prospects and help them make informed decisions with clarity.

We can together work on in-person and online training, public speaking engagements, and online content.

Especially the public speaking has been acknowledged via multiple accolades, including the highest-rated session at DemofestX London.

My unique approach stems from my deep technical background combined with my ability to make any solution approachable at any level. This stems from my background as a Networking Engineer, and then starting my field PreSales career in a specialist role, covering the most complex part of VMware’s portfolio - Networking and Security.

With that substantial experience at VMware, I was able to dive into the intricacies of large organizations, thus I possess the strategic insight to navigate and influence these environments effectively.

Me at four years old, oblivious to how funny this picture would be decades later. 

My history with technology and the old man in a leather jacket 

Where it all began… 

The start of my journey into my current technology career, makes for a good starting point. Due to some mundane circumstances, after finishing high school in Denmark, I found myself in a ‘gap year’. 

On one of my countless runs across town to search for a job, to fulfil my time, I saw a poster for an open-house event at one of the local colleges, which caught my eye, well mostly the free coffee did, I went along. It was a crowded hall, even by Nordic standards, with different areas for different careers. I scanned the room, hoping to find someone to catch my eye and give me a chance. I saw a couple of standards in the far corner representing IT. 

At that moment, I wasn’t sure of my goal or chosen career path. It has certainly taken a few years for me to realise that I won’t grow up to be a long-legged, bow-firing, horse-riding, blonde elf lady, nor will I become a violinist, not that I’ve ever played. 

Via osmoses, I had figured out that work in IT is a lucrative job industry, but I had no idea where to even begin. I truly didn’t believe that I was in the right mould to be a coder, which exhausted my understanding.

Back to the IT corner. 

There stood a ball of a man, with messy white hair, thick reading glasses, and a moustache which was stained from yellow cigarette smoke. He was wearing a brown leather jacket, wrapping him like an odd gift that an eccentric friend would hand me, saying ‘that they thought of me when they saw it’. He had a steaming coffee in one hand and looked up at me, as if sensing me and gifted me a welcoming, reassuring smile.

That man is Peter, the guy in the middle of the photo. Within 10 minutes, he handed me a cup of coffee and the direction I so desperately needed. It was that conversation that changed everything for me.

He sent me off to sign up for his classes and gave me words of wisdom ‘Don’t worry Lidia, we will make a Network Engineer out of you’.

I had no idea what he meant by Network, as I started my education as part of the IT Technology Networking course at Lillabealt Academy the very same year.

But his confidence and belief in me was something that has stuck with me and has got me to where I am today.  

And the rest, as they say, is history.

My best friend at acadamy - Alexander, Peter and young me.